Quelling Community & Domestic Violence
Presented in partnership with The ACEs Awareness Foundation


Dive into the conversation as experts across the medical, education, and global health fields share best practices to prevent and mitigate trauma.

As we navigate the third year of the global COVID-19 pandemic and face the harsh realities of systemic racism within our communities, the Essie B & William Earl Glenn Foundation for Better Living and ACEs Awareness Foundation remain more committed than ever to giving a platform to subject-matter experts, information, and resources to restore health—mental & physical—to our close-knit community and neighbors.

This year, we are hosting our third annual ACEs Trauma Awareness Symposium, titled “Quelling Community and Domestic Violence.” This will be a full-day event setting the stage for knowledgeable panelists to engage in a conversation on combating community and domestic violence. What strategies can we implement, what policies can we uphold, and what resources can we make available to decrease toxic experiences for children and adults to truly thrive?

3rd Annual Virtual Symposium: Quelling Community and Domestic Violence in Community, State, and Nation, we shine a light on the prevalence of community and domestic violence and ways to combat both.

Conference objectives:

  • Share most recent findings on ACEs prevalence in chronically impoverished rural communities
  • Offer bold and effective mitigation strategies
  • Explore innovative actions undertaken by police departments, religious organizations, health departments, mental health professionals, child protective services, school counselors, and social work professionals
  • Understand promising public health frameworks and public policies

Our Speakers

Lori Carter-Edwards, PhD

Assistant Dean for Community Engagement Kaiser Permanente Bernard J. Tyson School of Medicine

Wendy Ellis, DrPH

Assistant Professor, Global Health Director of the Center for Community Resilience Milken Institute of Public Health

Nia J. Heard-Garris, MD, MSc

Pediatrician ACEs Trauma Researcher Feinberg School of Medicine Northwestern University

Clyde Glenn, MD

National Board-Certified Psychiatrist Rehoboth Psychiatric Services, LLC

Mary D. Coleman, PhD

Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer EMPath

Becky Haas

Author, Speaker, SAMSHA Recognized Trainer

Lisa Fiore, PhD, MAT, BA

Professor & Chair, Department of Education, Lesley University Co-Founder & Co-Chair, Violence Against Women Initiative Director, Child Homelessness Initiative

Jacqueline Loggins, PhD

Instructor Faculty Field Liaison (BSW) Jackson State University

Joshua Baldwin, PhD

Associate Professor, Social Sciences Department Chair Lesley University

Tahlia Gousse, MPH

Consulting Specialist National Association of County and City Health Officials (NACCHO)

Calvin Glenn, Moderator

President and Founder, Blue Tag Media, LLC


National Childhood Traumatic Stress Network

Information for parents and professionals on a variety of topics related to childhood trauma and recovery.

ACEs Connection

Information about ACEs and sign-up for a helpful daily email of ACEs related news.

Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Agency

Information about substance abuse and mental health treatment as well as trauma informed care.

Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University

Research led by Dr. Shonkoff focused on early childhood including the effects of toxic stress on childhood development.

Center for Youth Wellness -Dr.Nadine Burke-Harris

Information on pediatric medicine, raising public awareness, and transforming the way society responds to ACEs.

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